
Monday was a public holiday in honour of human rights. Excellent stuff I thought! Though others disagreed!

Interestingly the holiday was started in response to police killing 69+wounding another 180 black people who took part in a campaign in 1960 refusing to carry their Pass Books which they were legally meant to carry to 'prove' they were allowed to enter a 'white area'. Following this the S.A. Constitution established the S.A. Human Rights Commission to promote,protect,develop +monitor human rights.
I was surprised then that those moaning about this human rights were black S.A's! They thought it was too Western+based on individual rights.They were V. suspicious of it,+kept asking/saying 'whose rights over who?' They were also against the idea of being innocent until proven guilty.

That aside,we had a day off college,so Jon+I explored a bit more of Grahamstown.We went to their Botanical Gardens+from there walked up a hill to the Settlers Monument.There was a wonderful view of the town from there+we enjoyed the walk. Later my Formation Group threw me a goodbye braai. It was really good of them+a nice relaxing afternoon. We ate a lot,including pap of course,+ended with the group telling me how much they've enjoyed me being here which was lovely.+they also thanked Jon for making the sacrifice of being without me for a while+reassured him it was not for me,but was for the work of God. As you can tell they were all V. sweet+I also thanked them for welcoming+including me so well,+also for the fun we've had+reassured them I'd never forget the time we went to the Big Pineapple!!

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