Transformation and Development

We were interested to find out that positive transformation and development of communities is mainly instigated by Christian groups and charities in S.A. I am talking about things such as building and maintaining hospitals and schools, educating about sexual health and illness such as Aids, etc. Consequently, in S.A. students at COTT are in small groups who have to develop a project to positively transform a community, i.e. one group was to teach children in a local school how to use computers, and another group was to work on the buildings within an old people home (e.g. paint, put up shelves, etc). So the students and staff at COTT were interested to hear that such things are mainly done by the government in the UK as they are mainly responsible for such things and so charities and Christian individuals or groups often come alongside already existing structures/projects to help. So again we have just another difference in the way both our communities work.

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