We have now eaten pap,a traditional S.A. food,several times. It's a porridgey food made from ground maize+at main meals it's dry+tastes a bit like bread or rice but in the mornings it's milky+tastes very similar to porridge though it looks like yogurt. I'm eating it at the main meals but not in the mornings!
Also food related,recently Dom+I were asked what we miss from home. We agreed we miss family+friends+also cake! We're lucky enough back home at Cuddesdon to have pudding as well as cake everyday you see. Happily to our surprise the next day Fungayi,the colleges Chaplain,gave Dom+I some homemade cupcakes+I'm happy to say they're delicious! :-)
Grahamstown is filled with a reddy-brown bug which looks like a flying dungbettle.The locals call them Singers as they make a constant noise which sometimes sounds like crickets but at other times the sound is unbroken+so sounds scarily like a snake!! I can honestly say that they are terrifying when flying around your room! I tried my best to get rid of it but everytime I got near it,it moved+made me jump! Luckily,Dom came to the rescue with The Parson's Pocket Book!!
Also making much noise around the campus,but seldom seen,are birds. However,I did manage to see 3 different birds within the space of the same 10mins. When I went to look these up though in a book dad gave me before I left,I couldn’t find them so can only conclude I've discovered 3 new species of birds+so I'm currently thinking what to name them!
I'm far from alone on this trip,+as well as fellow Cuddesdonite Dom,I've also come with Fr.Bear who is one of my teddybears. Below is a picture of him with all the books I was given on arrival here to use in the chapel. +the second picture is of him as he+I had a farewell hot chocolate with Jon at the airport before leaving for S.A.
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