First we went to The Raphael community Center for people with HIV/Aids. They run several programmes including testing+ counselling +supporting those who have the illness. We met a lady who runs 1 of the programmes+she spoke passionately about her concern for people infected+was especially worried about their spiritual welfare,which COTT students help with. Fungai was keen for this to continue+also for the centre to run an awareness dy at COTT. The centre's run completely by donations+much of this comes from the UK. They're doing a great job,but unfortunately it's only a small drop in the ocean compared to how many people are suffering alone from it.
Next we went to Temba hospital for people with TB (thankfully I got my injection just days before coming to S.A.). Going here was just like the African hospitals you see on TV back at home. There was hardly any staff+the wards were empty+lifeless. Going here was the hardest thing I've done so far. It was harrowing. We went into a women's ward+they just starred at us in silence (which I'm not surprised by)+their eyes looked like they'd lost all hope.I'll remember the look on their faces forever.
Then we went to an Orphanage for boys aged 8-18. There was building work going on which is positive+a vegetable garden Fungai had helped start when he was on outreach here 7years ago! We didn't see much but there was a positive vibe to the place, even though the rooms in here were also very sparse. I hope to go back+meet some of the children.
The worst thing about this day was the realisation that money could actually solve many of these problems.-more on this later
Formation Group Outing to Port Alfred
Culture and Interpretation
So far at COTT we've had a Eucharist service wholly in Xhosa, Zulu+Afrikaans. When in Xhosa+Zulu,the Bible readings,Psalm +page numbers were announced in English(the language all understand)+the sacrament was administered in English too. BUT when we had the Afrikaans service,nothing was in English. This wouldn't have bothered me at all,if it hadn't been for the fact the others had included English. Those who were leading the service (as Afrikaans is their natural language) were coloured+white,though several of the 'coloured' people are no darker than I! Consequently I felt behind this was a statement that 'we(i.e. non-black) people are doing it right+you better conform to us(i.e.speaking Afrikaans)'.
Also,during peace in Xhosa+Zulu,most black people(who speak a variety of languages) worked out what 'peace be with you' was in Xhosa+Zulu+said that,while most white+ coloured people didn't bother making any effort+still said it in English. Yet,during the peace in Afrikaans,all said 'peace etc' in Afrikaans.
All in all,putting it mildly,the whole thing really annoyed me.
Minority Status
E.G.A conversation I had several times with students went like this: 'Where are you from?' ME:'England.' Other person:'What language do you speak?' ME:'English.' Other person: 'What is the weather like there?' ME:'Cold.' Other person:'Oh that's why you're so pale.' ME:'[laughing]Yeah!'And thinking,I'm not pale,I'm white!
Also everyone was fascinated when I was sunburnt+many felt the need to touch it!! The oddest thing said about it was that it was like I'm a snake shedding my skin!!
Anyway the longer I'm here,the more comfortable I'm feeling in the culture generally+so am not bothered now that I obv. look different+I'm even happy for people to make jokes about it too.
Lizards in bedrooms!
Addo Elephant Park
South African Time and Planning!
The time things are meant to start+end is not the time they actually start+end! E.G.Orientation weeks timetable changed many times as things started late+went on too long,so the next sessions had to happen later. No-one seems to mind waiting though+they fill the time by chatting+singing Christian songs.
This frustrated me for the 1st time this week during Community Day where we were in groups+had 40mins to turn a parable into a drama set in todays context. After 30mins my group decided on the main idea (buying land where a stadium was to be built later+so then selling it on for a profit) +then took 10mins discussing a minor detail (how much we would buy the land for)! As Jonathan,who’s Scottish,was running the day we were called back on time+so had to act a play we hadn’t rehearsed once!
As well as this,most things are planned just the day before they happen..if you’re lucky! And I don’t know how people can cope with dropping everything to do these new things which arise. I mean,in the UK if you told some they had a meeting which had never been mentioned that they had to be at later that day or the next day,it’d be unlikely they would be able to attend,though here people do+this kind of ‘planning’ is the norm!
Inappropriate laughter
the devil...
Today was the 1st sermon at COTT which didn’t mention the devil! This was a relief as this ‘obsession’ with the devil is a bit unnerving. I feel that by constantly talking about it,the concept is given more power. Obv. I don’t mean the devil (whatever you understand that to be) increases in power itself,rather the hold it has over individuals increases the more it is talked about as the more it is talked about the more it is worried about+feared,which perhaps even increases individuals vulnerability too. The Priest who didn’t mention the devil was from outside COTT so I guess we’ll be back now to the usual sermons mentioning the devil
Gender and Sexuality
Fortunately the winds of change are beginning though. At COTT those in authority are certainly inclusive+do not appear to hold gender stereotypes, though the majority of staff are male+there's 45 men training for Ordination here+only 15 women. Furthermore,there’s no married women here whose husband have moved here too,though there’s several men here whose family have moved with them,which I expect is to do with outdated views that family moves with the man’s job rather than the woman’s. However,staff encourage use of inclusive language when reading the Bible. And,somewhat ahead of their time,staff use inclusive language when referring to God,I.E. no mention of Him or Father+instead Creator,Redeemer+Sustainer /Sanctifier. Nonetheless,women’s ministry is often referred to as if it’s still a new venture that they are only just coming to terms with. Praise the Lord things are changing,E.G. some diocese have sent women for the 1st time to train for ordination this year,inc. at COTT a young lady who’s the 1st female ordinand from Lesotho +the 1st female ordinands from Kimberley+Kuruman diocese.
Of even more interest on this subject are our classes on the Ethics of Sexuality. While arguments about God’s will for human sexuality are as present here as they are in the UK,the classes also incld. things that are basic knowledge in the UK about gender,sexuality+sex -though on refelction its prob. best to leave out details!
What a difference a day makes!
Yesterday I began to feel really homesick. However, this morning Dom+I were invited to Vernon’s(a student here) for breakfast with his family.It was nice to be in a ‘normal’ home (rather than college dorms+communal rooms)+they had kindly looked up what a traditional English breakfast was.Consequently we had bacon,fried eggs, sausages,toast,orange juice+tea. It was bliss! And needless to say,I'm feeling much better again now!
Ssssshhh at the farm
However,I fell out with part of creation when a bee flew down my T-shirt+stung me,leaving its tail+sting in+I couldn't even shout as we were meant to be quiet!
Community Building Committe
Sun and ice-cream!
What am I doing here?!
I attend chapel at 6:45 for either silent or guided meditation, following at 7:15 with either morning prayer or a Eucharist. Breakfast follows+then all classes happen between 8:30+1:00. I'm taking Christian Doctrines in Context,Implementing Transformation in a Community Using Christian Principles, Anglican Studies,Ethics of Sexuality,Christianity in Africa+Mission. All subjects have 2hours of classes a week,apart from Mission which is just 1 hour a week.
In the afternoons I'll be experiencing COTT's Outreach programme visiting various places such as a TB hospital,an orphanage,+a center for people with HIV/Aids. On Mondays I also have my Formation Group for a couple of hours. And 3 times a week there's Evening Prayer or a Eucharist in the evening.
SATURDAYS: Free from 'work'+we already have some fun plans with other student.
SUNDAYS: Visiting different churches.
1 week I'll be attending a Poverty+Development course.
And another week I'll be spending all my time with a Priest in a local poorer area.
We may also visit the diocese of Umzimvubu for a few days since Dom's home diocese of Truro is linked with them.
And there are also a few days here+there we'll be taking part in too such as a couple of COTT's Quiet Days+a couple of COTT's Community days.