HOPE Africa

Last week was a Poverty+Development course run by HOPE Africa. When it started it was actually Theology+Development, +like some other courses we're doing it was quite basic. We've also already covered much of the taught things such as the pastoral cycle. Though we did have lots of small group discussions about topics including rape+drug abuse which was V. interesting but not always easy.

Also,like must of S.A. theology it was rooted in liberation theology,i.e.the idea that Jesus' teachings focused on liberating the poor, marginalised+oppressed from unjust social,political+ economic conditions +so the Church should listen to these people+help liberate them today.

The overarching theme was that God is focused on shalom ('peace')+the Church should be striving to bring this about. I wanted to know where love came in because I'm pretty sure, as cheesy at it sounds, that God is love+therefore all He does+ therefore all we do in His name should be rooted in love too.

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