The day before graduation,all Formations Groups had a job to do around the college. Mine had to clean the sports courts. As it was 38oC,after spending about 40mins sweeping the volleyball court we decided,under the guidance of the Chaplin Funguyi,not to bother with the tennis court!
The graduation service was held in a chapel of a local school +was a Eucharist service with the giving out of certificates +hoods. Various Bishops came+,unlike usual,there were many servers+ incense too. I did the first reading +Dom+Titus did much as the Altar Prep-ers. It was a joyous event+1chorus was sung with even more vigor than usual+many were dancing (myself includ. of course)+carried on like this for quite sometime. The final hymn was sung similarly+we even danced+sung down the aisle as we left the chapel. It was wonderful!
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