
More than unfortunately, there is a V high rate of rape in S.A. There isn’t a lot to say about this, apart from of course how dreadful that is. Obv. it’s not a topic often talked about, but once it was and within a group of 5, 2 men admitted there daughters had been raped and I actually wondered how many more within that group had experienced rape but who chose to remain silent about it at that time. This is of course a shockingly high amount, 2 in 5. One of these men spoke movingly about how he wanted to hurt the man who’d done it, but instead did the right thing by making sure he was brought to justice the legal way and therefore was imprisoned. The man had, among other things, moved house and left his job, in order to carry out his own investigation into it and when he found the man encouraged him to admit what he’d done. Both the men who talked about their daughters experiences said, unsurprisingly, that they were suicidal after the event. Thankfully both young women are beginning to continue with their lives.

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