We had the main devotional service from 12-3, which only finished 15mins late which isn't much by S.A. standards! Many students wore their cassocks for the service,while some others wore black clothes they would wear to a funeral. I've not seen this before at a Good Friday service. Also, in the UK our Good Friday services are normally V. somber as we recall Christs death. Here however the service was rather jolly in parts!
There was 8 talks based around the 7 sentences Christ said on the Cross before he died. Interestingly these were also all linked to 1of His 'I am...' sayings. This worked really well the majority of the time+it was wonderful to hear students preaching since 6students preached including Dom,as well as the Rector Bill + Fungayi. The students preached with great passion. Around these talks were hymns, times of silence (which weren't even 1min long!), solo songs, a drama, +a dance. The service was V. good,though it didn't feel like a Good Friday service to me at all.
Below is a pic of the preachers (plus Tshnola!) -Dom, Grant, Fungayi, Seffularo, Tshnola, Kholisilie, Lovington. And below that is Kholisilie 'preaching' in Freedom Square!
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