The chapel is also very English,complete with pews+the hymn book Ancient+Modern! We have begun the first week every day in the chapel with a silent meditation at 6:45,followed by a Eucharist service. A standard Anglican Eucharist service is used which is therefore incredibly similar to the service we use at college in Cuddesdon. The main difference is the singing+the music which is understandably in an African style. Therefore,unlike reserved English folk,they sing with great passion,happiness+love for Christ. As students here speak many different languages,the songs are in these various languages too(such as Zulu,Xhosa,Afrikaans,Sotho,Tswana,+English)+are often unaccompanied,though sometimes are accompanied by marimbas or drums and even occasionally by a guitar or piano. I'm enjoying the various services,especially the singing,a great deal+find it all very inspiring indeed. The fact that music is very much a part of the culture here is something I can certainly relate to+when someone told me that South Africans have music running through their veins I knew exactly what they meant,expect for me the music is of course heavy metal.
I told some students that I am looking forward to/enjoying listening to African music+as a result the 4 students who play the marimba (xylophone) have been teaching me+a few other beginners how to play them too. +I'm pleased to say that I have already learnt the tune to the Xhosa languages Agnus Dei.
Here are some photos of the college, of the main entrance, my room, Freedom Square and the Chapel (my seat is the one with the books out).
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