Orientation week

Last week was COTT's orientation week,filled with useful talks about how to use the library,who everyone is+what their rules are(including that no ordinands are to get drunk or stay away for a night). The community building session taking it in turns with a partner to be blindfolded+led around the college was a laugh as my partner thought it would be hilarious to tell me to jump over things that in reality weren't there and,needless to say,I feel for it! We also had a trip to the local Anglican Benedictine monastery where a student told me he could see me as a nun!!!I replied that I liked talking too much,+Dom kindly agreed! At the weekend I had my first braai(BBQ)+also the community were encouraged to play or watch sports+somehow I ended up playing netball,but predictably played sufficiently bad enough not to be asked to play again! On the downside,that was the first real day of sun+Dom+I ended turning pink due to sunburn!

At the end of the week we agreed to the College Covenant during a service,which included agreeing: to uphold the seriousness of Christian witness by projecting a good image of yourself; to approach socio-political issues from a Christian conviction; +to respect all regardless of gender,race,class,age+sexual orientation.

Overall I enjoyed the first week,but not the 9 insect bites I have! I have begun to get to know some great,friendly+welcoming people. +the only disappointing thing has been the weather! Apart from 2hot days,we've had a couple of cooler days where Dom and I wore shorts anyway but no-one else did(!) +a couple of cold+raining days!

The most interesting part though,has been recognising there are as many similarities as their are differences between here+English culture. The food+drink demonstrate this particularly well,since the food is what we eat in the UK but is often served in different combinations (such as cucumber for breakfast or rice and roast potatoes as part of the same meal). Also,though there is tea with every meal,it is decaffeinated+different to tea in the UK. Here we have bush tea which is rather sweet+5 roses tea which is rather similar to PG Tips! COTT even have tea at 4:00 every weekday just like we do at Cuddesdon,however here we have it outside+sadly without cake!

Photo of the braai

The college

The college itself could well have been lifted from the UK+planted here in Grahamstown. There’s a dining room,common room,student dorms+all other rooms you’d expect in a theological college. The main place students gather socially is in Freedom Square which is an outside area with a few benches+a massive oak tree!

The chapel is also very English,complete with pews+the hymn book Ancient+Modern! We have begun the first week every day in the chapel with a silent meditation at 6:45,followed by a Eucharist service. A standard Anglican Eucharist service is used which is therefore incredibly similar to the service we use at college in Cuddesdon. The main difference is the singing+the music which is understandably in an African style. Therefore,unlike reserved English folk,they sing with great passion,happiness+love for Christ. As students here speak many different languages,the songs are in these various languages too(such as Zulu,Xhosa,Afrikaans,Sotho,Tswana,+English)+are often unaccompanied,though sometimes are accompanied by marimbas or drums and even occasionally by a guitar or piano. I'm enjoying the various services,especially the singing,a great deal+find it all very inspiring indeed. The fact that music is very much a part of the culture here is something I can certainly relate to+when someone told me that South Africans have music running through their veins I knew exactly what they meant,expect for me the music is of course heavy metal.

I told some students that I am looking forward to/enjoying listening to African music+as a result the 4 students who play the marimba (xylophone) have been teaching me+a few other beginners how to play them too. +I'm pleased to say that I have already learnt the tune to the Xhosa languages Agnus Dei.

Here are some photos of the college, of the main entrance, my room, Freedom Square and the Chapel (my seat is the one with the books out).

Arrivals and zebras!

Dom+I arrived after a good, but long journey-24hours from leaving Cuddesdon to arriving at COTT. I was particularly glad to get off the 11 1/2 hour flight!

The 24hours was one of great contrasts. We left the UK as it was dark,cold + raining,+arrived in S.A. to feel the heat literally hit us as we left the plane. It was 29oC +was going to be 18oC in the night. The huge B.A. plane was also incredibly different to the S.A. airlines plane which was full even though there were only 50passengers!! I was lucky to be able to look out of the window where I could see the coastline+huge expanses of brown nothingness.In the UK it would surely be green+most would be built upon,even Lincolnshire with its many fields is nowhere near as empty! Also,on the drive from the 2nd plane to the college we saw some animals including antelope,ostriches+ zebras!!-how amazing!

We're staying at the college in a little flat which is basic but fine. It has a large bedroom each+a bathroom,though unfortunately no kettle! Dom+I are pleased that we have this flat to retreat to at night+discuss our experiences in S.A.
The college is buzzing with the sound of children playing+friends chatting-much like Cuddesdon! +I'm looking forward to term starting later today.